Experience and Urgency for Safer, More Supported Communities
Making our communities safer, reducing property crime, and protecting victims requires proven experience and hands-on leadership. COVID, staffing shortages, and our housing and opioid crises have threatened the vitality of our neighborhoods and business districts.
Our challenges are complex, but we can and must do better.
As a career prosecutor and the only candidate who has built and implemented countywide crime prevention strategies with law enforcement partners and mental health professionals, I will:
Require accountability, including prosecution and jail time for violent and repeat offenders, as well as monitored treatment to address the root causes of criminal behavior.
Build a stronger relationship with law enforcement, our city prosecutors, and local elected officials to improve coordination and collaboration, and get better outcomes for our neighbors and small businesses.
Invest in effective and data-driven prevention and diversion strategies to reduce recidivism, keep vulnerable youth in school and on pathways to success, and address underlying mental health and addiction issues.
Maintain the highest nonpartisan legal, ethical and equity-driven standards in the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office required to best serve our diverse and growing County.
As Prosecutor, I will lead from my perspective as the first woman and first person of color to hold the Office to craft innovative solutions to fight and reduce crime through broad coalitions, and create positive change.
What People Are Saying About Leesa

Leesa Manion is the partner we need as Prosecutor to address serious crimes and continue efforts to reduce gun violence and protect vulnerable youth. She shares my ‘One Seattle’ commitment to unifying around shared values and outcomes, and we need her in this critical role as we work to improve public safety and build strong communities.

Leesa Manion understands the critical importance of redoubling our efforts to reduce gun violence, prosecute serious crimes, and continue our nation-leading programs that keep kids on track and help vulnerable people restore their lives,” said Constantine. “She is a seasoned leader of the Prosecutor’s office, uniquely qualified to take on this important role, and passionate in her advocacy for the people of our growing, diverse County. Join me in supporting Leesa Manion for King County Prosecutor.

Leesa’s commitment to restorative justice and public safety is unwavering. Her experience and passion is urgently needed to both continue critical innovations in the criminal legal system and prevent a rollback of hard-won reforms. Leesa has earned - and deserves - the vote of all who care about keeping our communities safe through holistic, individualized approaches.

Leesa’s deep experience is critical to implement real criminal justice reform. She understands the necessity of system-wide collaboration to achieve better public safety outcomes and ensure equity and justice for all involved. I have full confidence that Leesa will continue her strong record of service as County Prosecutor.

Leesa Manion is a principled advocate for safe communities, restorative justice, and building partnerships and programs that address the root causes of crime. We need her expertise and passion for justice leading our County Prosecutor's Office.

Throughout Leesa's 15 years of experience as Chief of Staff in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, she has demonstrated her commitment to reforming systems of justice and equity in order to improve communities throughout King County. As the first woman and person of color to hold the office, she will be an important advocate for marginalized communities across King County.

No one understands the Prosecuting Attorney's Office better than Leesa, not only how it operates but the potential for what it can be. She can be a visionary for the future of the office, and is uniquely positioned to help the amazing team of professionals she leads every day– and the people we serve– through challenging times. For 15 years, Leesa has built partnerships with law enforcement, community leaders, and victim advocates to provide pathways to recovery for survivors, effective interventions for youth, veterans, and the vulnerable, and accountability for serious offenders.

Leesa has the expertise and the commitment to foster safe, thriving communities where small businesses can prosper. She has the strategic skills and experience to adequately address root causes of crime by holding repeat perpetrators accountable, connecting vulnerable individuals to treatment and services, and sharing data to measure and show progress. Small businesses have a strong partner in Leesa Manion.

Small businesses have a real ally in Leesa Manion. She understands the need to help keep workers and customers safe, addressing property and street crime, and at the same time seeking proven alternatives that prevent crime in the first place. We need Leesa's proven skills, commitment to listening, and dedication to our families and communities working for all of us as our next Prosecutor.

"Vote for Leesa Manion in King County, WA by Nov. 8. Leesa Manion is running to lead the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. For 15 years, Leesa led projects to protect public safety, reduce racial disproportionality, and strengthen victim services."

Prosecutors are an important part of our criminal justice system and who we elect to those positions matters.
I hope that everyone will take the time to learn as much as they can about the person they are voting for to be the prosecutor. I am supporting Leesa Manion.
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Sign up to endorse, volunteer, and more!My Story
I was born in an army hospital near Seoul, South Korea, to a Korean mother and Caucasian father. My grandmother never approved of my parents’ relationship because my mother was not white and English was her second language and one day threw my mother out of the house with only the clothes on her back. That day was the last time my brother and I saw our mother for 25 years.
This experience shaped me. It underscored for me the importance of advocacy for those who are marginalized. I know first-hand how easy it is to silence those who have been victimized when no one speaks up for them or their rights. This experience also taught me about forgiveness – that my grandmother, who loved and instilled in me independence and a strong work ethic, is more than the sum of her worst mistakes.